Cost Of SEO For Small Businesses In 2024

Small Business SEO Cost

Quick Answer: For small businesses, the pricing of SEO services typically falls between $400 and $2,000 per month. This range is dependent on the project's difficulty and target. Additionally, a one-time setup fee might be required, which could vary based on factors such as the number of pages and targeted keywords.


As outlined above, the cost of SEO for small businesses can vary significantly. If you've been exploring SEO services, you might have noticed this fluctuation in pricing and wondered why some agencies charge more than others, or you may be uncertain about the monthly costs and the duration required to see results. In this article, we will delve into these topics to help you better understand the dynamics of SEO pricing.


Why Is The Price So Different For SEO Services?

You may be wondering why there is such a broad range in the cost of SEO services. considering the price variance will help you decide if SEO is worth it for your small business. This difference is primarily due to three main factors: 


The Competitiveness of the Industry

For example, SEO for legal services tends to be far more competitive than SEO for plumbing services. Certain industries, such as finance and law, experience more competition online than trade-related businesses.

SEO can be particularly advantageous for businesses in sectors with lower competition yet high profit margins. For instance, SEO for tradespeople, can be extremely rewarding because these fields typically face less online competition, which opens up opportunities for significant visibility and profits.


The State Of The Website

The state of your website plays a crucial role in determining the cost of SEO services for a small business. Several key questions need consideration:

  • Has SEO been implemented on your site before?
  • Are there numerous issues that need rectification?
  • Is the website brand new or does it require a complete rebuild?

These factors can significantly influence the final cost of SEO services. If you choose to work with a reputable SEO agency, they should conduct a thorough audit of your website and provide a tailored quote based on your specific site needs.  


The SEO Strategy

The SEO strategy should be customized for each business, taking into account the specific needs and budget.At Jible, we prefer to work with businesses that have a budget exceeding $1,000. This level of investment allows us to collaborate closely with our clients and identify a wider range of SEO opportunities.


However, we also offer more cheap SEO services targeted at businesses with tighter budgets. These services typically focus on optimizing a single page. While this option is more budget-friendly, it usually yields a lower return on investment and takes longer to see results.


What To Expect For Your SEO Service Provider

You should expect to receive monthly reports on your SEO progress from your small business SEO , including updates on keywords, completed work, traffic impressions, and other relevant metrics. It's important to note that SEO agencies can vary greatly in terms of skill and reliability. Often, less expensive SEO companies may not deliver on their promises, so it's crucial to carefully evaluate the track record and credibility of any SEO provider you consider.


How To Pick The Right SEO Professional For Your Small Business

When you're looking to get the right SEO help for your small business, here’s how you can spot the good from the not-so-good:


Check Their Track Record

A solid SEO professional or Small business SEO service agency should be able to show you real results, either from their own site or their clients’ sites. Ask to see some case studies or before-and-after stats that prove they can really do what they say


Steer Clear of Long-Term Contracts

Watch out for SEO firms that push you into long contracts. That's a red flag. They're often more about making sales than doing quality SEO work. If they're asking for six months' cash up front, think twice—they might not be planning to stick around to make sure you get results.


Think Twice About Big Agencies

The really big SEO agencies might not be your best bet. They can be pricey, charging $4,000+ and usually you end up paying more for less attention and lower quality work. They often handle too many clients at once and might even outsource your work.

Choosing the right SEO help can make a huge difference in how well your business does online. Look for someone who's more interested in your success than just locking you into a deal.


Our SEO Small Business Pricing Model

This table simplifies how we determine our pricing for small businesses, giving you a clear view of what factors into our cost assessments.


Price Range Competitiveness State of  Website
$400 - $600/month Low Competition solid SEO foundation and established google business profile
$600- $1,000/month Low Competition unoptimised or new website, new google business profile
$1,000- $1,500/month Low-Medium Competition new website/issues, new google business profile
$1,500- $2,000+/month Medium-High Competition unoptimised/website issues/new website


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